Yes, an extreme automation future in digital marketing is coming for years digital marketers have been thinking that whether technologies right like you know to say automation and apps or whatever it is so it websites be it you know say SEO sem related technologies affiliate marketing-related technologies.
Now everything can happen automatically and get them to profit automatically uh that is something like i talk about like earning while you're sleeping simply as that right so that kind of technologies uh is it kind of a bold prediction right uh that these kind of technologies are coming in not so distant future.
Future Of Digital Marketing | An Extreme Automation Of Digital Marketing
It was the thoughts of digital marketers back then before you know say two-three years and the results have been quite astonishing right so lots and lots of artificial intelligence ai power tools have emerged in the market to make that vision a reality now typically uh in order to uh what you call as um find that particular tools okay.
There are different sites okay the first site i would give it is called product okay. It helps you to find a lot of you know say digital marketing technologies that are emerging uh a lot of tools and software that are trading in the market right.
So that is the first kind of tool that I can give you and uh there are different kinds of uh tools that are listed in product kind there are lots of you know say daily there are lots of tons and tons of digital marketing tools that are coming up not only digital marketing uh different Softwares different uh you know say ideas are coming in okay.
An Extreme Automation Of Digital Marketing
So these kinds of startup companies are doing quite well right so typically the beauty of digital marketing is how easy it is to be contextually relevant and up to date with the technology right so these kind of incredible uh what you call as um uh you know portals that list these apps list these uh you know say what you call as products or startup companies are pretty much in the rice okay.
They're pretty much the rice now preparing for a future of marketing automation you got to just think yourself that this is going to be trending this kind of technologies are going to be booming day by day right so uh new and new uh efficiencies can be unlocked new and new uh what you call as um creative work can be done by robots or automation tools right teams and processes uh need to think about what they want to achieve and what they would likely want to you know make it happen right.
So the things are changing day by day right so no virtual offices virtual meeting rooms have come up and they're definitely kind of you to know to say when I just pick uh you know say um google ads, for example, right so in google ads we have a lot of you know automation software uh like kobiro see obi or for example uh that can automate google advertising and that's a pretty amazing tool uh now these are really great tools that can help.
Their kind of a breeze when it comes to you know thinking about an automated future where you know say um PPC campaigns are automated so this is uh the thing that you gotta really think about machines are greatly great uh in terms of when we feed the data into the right so machines will definitely utilize that data and they're going to um you know think.
They're going to reflect on this data once it once ever you know started thinking based on the input that we provide uh and once they start you know say executing the things uh that we are looking at right the results are going to be quite astonishing so that kind of an automated future.
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