Today we'll be talking about six tips on starting a business I'm not a billionaire as yet but there are things that I've learned in the past three to four years after starting my business so I guess this is my way of sharing those things growing up.
You are taught to go to school get good grades get a proper education and then to find a good job for me I think that's the wrong thinking I think what they should have been teaching us is to go to school get a good education and find what you love and that is our first tip finding what you love requires you researching exploring and you know finding what appeals to you for me it was easy because growing up.
The Amazing Tips For Starting A New Business In 2020
I realized early that I was you know I was able to draw I like creating things so for me I realized that I was somewhat of a creative and then later on in life I realized that I love technology so for me photography videography and all of the services that I provide is basically an extension of that you know is a creative and loving technology.
It basically comes together to form what I now call my business someone once told me that what you should do is find what you love and make it your business and then whatever else that you like you invest in that and I think that is a good way to start how I thought about what I love was that um I looked at it in the sense that what if I got too much of this work would it be an annoyance to me or would it be something that I love or enjoy youtube is always a good place to search for me watching a number of youtube videos.
Seeing what other people did with photography as well as videography and other services um you know seeing what other people did out there it basically enhanced my love for what I'm doing now it is vital that you create a business based on what you love because there will be our times and there will be times you want to to give up there will be um clients who make you want to give up.
There will be times where maybe you're not making enough money the amount of money that you thought you would be making so there's a lot of things or factors that will cause you to go to the brink of maybe quitting and doing what you love that is what will basically drive you through the next tip is doing your research.
When I was starting out I didn't do any research, to be honest with you I just said to myself that I love this thing and I'm going to do it and no matter what I won't stop doing it until I am good enough but I think doing research is very very important finding all the businesses that are like yours um all your competitors finding out what they do and you know researching what the business entails searching around your era to figure out if the market is good enough because you don't necessarily want to create a business on a that provides.
A particular service our product and then there's no one to sell that service or product so doing your research to you know to figure out how the market is and find out what you're doing right from what they're doing wrong and what you think you can bring to the table that is different from them and not just copying what they're already doing step three is creating a plan the same goes that if you don't plan then you're actually planning to fail and that is really true.
So you have to plan you know have plans for me I have five-year plans ten-year plan I look at like ultimately what I want my business to be you have to have that plan so that you know where you're heading to so when you have a goal I think that that creates that point that you aim for that challenge that you say all right at that point this point in time this is where I want to reach that is what I want to get done.
So i think creating a plan is very important you know plan when you're going to market to a business plan which fees are going to roll out so, for example, you offer multiple services for me I offer photo photography videography I do graphic design and website designs so yeah that's my little shameless plug you need any other services to feel free to drop a comment visit my website, anyone of my social media pages, links are below.
A New Business In 2020
You have to have a plan you have to know where you're heading and having a clear definition of what you want to do in the future that helps step four is creating a brand so a brand is basically a business identity for me I used my signature reason why I use my signature is that I think for me growing up a lot of persons didn't believe in me.
So I decided to name my business after myself so that it's almost like it's my way of saying yes I did it you know it's my way of putting my name on my stamp on the world you might not need a website right away but you need a logo you might need your business card you know things to help you with your marketing.
For example, if you're somewhere and you see a tick on shoes or a tick on our shirt or something immediately you know that it's a nice shirt or a Nike shoes or whatever that's their branding right and you have to work on your branding so that when somebody sees um your brand it kind of stands out and it speaks for itself which I try my best to you know put on my base in all my work whether or not it's a low budget work high budget work.
I try to put my all in everything that way I can build my brand so when somebody sees my name on anything they know that they're getting quality so I think a great career should be taken when creating this tip number five is a practice as I say practice makes perfect so you really just need to practice I mean if you really want it to work you need to be doing it repeatedly you know you got to practice you got you to have to get up every day and live it up for me.
I don't think I'm doing enough practice I really need to up it even more um I should be getting up every day taking photos doing videos and this is where um you know youtube comes in for me it's a way of me practicing my craft and building on my craft some doing this stuck in its thing.
It allows me to find certain mistakes and to be able to you know to fix them before I go to a client and provide my services so you need to practice you need to as I said in previous tips you need to do your research so you know there's youtube has every single thing I don't think there's a job on her that you can't go on youtube and say all right just type it in and see what you find do your research practice as I say I can't stress practice enough because the more you practice the more things.
You'll see and a lot of things you won't see until you come in contact with it step six is to get capital I would say this is maybe one of the main criteria that causes a lot of persons to not start a business um for me when I was looking to start there was a lot of pricey cameras that I saw that I wanted but what I did was I purchased the camera that I could afford and I worked my way from there in terms of you know using the cheap camera until I could make enough money um to buy better cameras.
So i was i started off with a crop center camera and eventually I moved up to a full-frame camera so you know start where you can for me when they said that you're supposed to go to school get out good education and then find a proper job for me that is where um this comes in so so when you get dedication and you get that proper job and you get that money then I think that that is the money that you in turn use.
You know to finance your dream I'm not saying that there's an issue with you know going to school and getting an education and then turning out to work for somebody if that is okay what you are that is the goal that you want then you know it's fine but for me, I decided that you know I needed to create something for myself something that my kids their kids some something that somebody else can inherit for me I would want to you know to be here on earth do my term and then my kids come and have to do the same thing over again.
I wouldn't recommend taking out loans to start a business reason being is that you know a business is very tricky a lot of persons get deterred when they're aiming to they want to start a business and basically the cost to start a business is too much but I would say what you do is you look at the smaller things what are the things that you need know to just get started they start off you know with just you and then you build it accordingly yeah so those are my six tips um if you have any other tips that you have in mind.
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