How To Make Hundreds Of Dollars With ClickBank Without A Website In 2020

We're gonna go ahead and actually get into this weird trick to make a hundred dollars per day with Clickbank. 

How To Make Hundreds Of Dollars With ClickBank Without A Website In 2020

Before we do there is a link in the description the first link in the description that you guys can actually get access to my copy page profit funnel and this is just gonna allow you to be able to capture leads follow up with those leads and 10x your return on your investment with your affiliate marketing business. 

How To Make Hundreds Of Dollars With ClickBank Without A Website In 2020

So go ahead and grab that down below but let's get into the madness now first and foremost I'm not going to go into the this isn't like a beginner's guide this is if you're already I'm doing Clickbank and you're looking for a different strategy so we're going to go into the marketplace and then we're just going to get right to it and show you guys a weird trick right. 

So first and foremost what I'm going to teach you guys how to do is literally use twitter you're like twitter how the hell am I going to make money with twitter now if any of you guys know right me personally I prefer uh passive income right not active income but some people don't care right so for those people who aren't into the passive income meaning drive driving traffic on autopilot and um like using Facebook ads or youtube SEO and things along those lines and they're okay with active income meaning. 

They're willing to hustle and bustle and do what they got to do to get results right this method might be for you right so for this example we'll just show you guys how we can use um the uh weight loss niche right and this weird trick I guarantee you've never come across it before right uh because nobody teaches this and um basically first and foremost is obviously getting your link but before we even talk about getting your link right. 

What is the method right now if you have twitter if you don't have a twitter account figure it out if you do have a twitter account great right but all you're doing guys is literally typing in keywords to twitter and believe it or not what happens when you type in keywords to twitter it pulls up tweets that have that keyword in it so an example. 

I typed in how to lose weight and if you look caroline Elizabeth literally September 7th says someone teaches me how to lose weight Gotti set my goal weight before my wedding guys if this isn't a targeted lead I don't know it is right so what I would do is say oh let me go see I'm not even good at twitter right but what I'll personally do guys is I'll go to I'll direct message her right so how however that works whether you gotta follow her if you can't actually direct message. 

I'm not sure if it's allowed with a direct message let me add in her name caroline Elizabeth let me see that comes up carol okay what is it swaggy fish seven swaggy fish, okay it's not coming up but guys basically what I'll do is fuck add this person right once I add them I'm simply going to go ahead and send them a message obviously they're active obviously they'll accept and guys don't bombard this freaking um this girl because I just created this article find somebody else right um and then there's plenty look. 

Click Bank Guide

If I just go down there's plenty of people who there's plenty of content where people are talking about this um like active September 9th right want to know how to lose weight so she's actually promoting something I need to lose weight how to lose weight right look September 8th this person who else um guys but what I'm trying to get at is there's plenty of people who twitter is basically people talking about their like their thoughts right. 

Click Bank Guide

So somebody's thinking at that moment dang I need to lose weight you could simply they're a qualified prospect you reach out to them direct message them and here's the script guys because a lot of you guys do not know how to sell and I sell for a living that's what I used to do right so I'll go ahead and give you guys how I would approach this girl right or any lead rather. 

So what I would say is hey how's it going I'm just going to act as if the girl's name is gabby how's it going gabby my name is eric I know quite random but I noticed you recently dropped a tweet about needing to lose weight my sister and guys is actually true but I mean marketers are storytelling so you can create your own story that just makes sense. 

So my sister is actually a person I'm not gonna say I'm gonna I'm actually gonna criticize my sister is actually has actually been getting results with this weird diet let me know if you want the details to look forward to helping you out boom drop that now guys at the end of the day this doesn't just go for the weight loss first right this goes for all niches an example of. 

How to make money online right so if you have how to make money online products on cooking how to make money online a thread on how to make extra money online this one is how to make money online with zero a question I'll never be able to figure out cool boom message them you find people who are typing this stuff you message them right you prospect them once you message them you wait for a response. 

Once you wait for that response then you're going to go ahead and actually drop the link because it literally gave you permission without spamming links we're living prospecting people who are targeted who are actually mentioning this keyword we're sending them uh uh just uh kind of like an introduction message saying hey I might be able to help you out and then they respond you simply go ahead and drop your link and you say check this out the boom and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna follow up in 30 minutes to an hour and say hey how's it going have you had a chance to check out the link no I haven't cool. 

I'll follow up with you later boom follow up the next day see if they'll look see if they're interested rinse and repeat guys and I said before this isn't passive but it's active but imagine if I was going to sell three of these per day by doing this method and these people are highly targeted I would easily make 100 per day 34.73 times um three is over a hundred dollars right. 


So guys I mean it's very targeted prospect um and I mean the I mean you feel literally begging for your solution and this isn't just for weight losses for all niches on ClickBank and do not knock it till you try it go ahead and try it see if it works if it were scored and drop a comment down below send me a thank you message to send me something right because I love um seeing these testimonials and seeing that my content has actually helped people outright so with that being said guys that's a weird trick highly targeted traffic it's not passive it's active but you're still going to be making money on Clickbank and imagine if you just spend two hours per day sending out messages it beats the nine to five you're making a hundred dollars only working two hours per day right so hopefully that helps and that is that weird trick that.

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