We're going to be looking at in the hyperlinks is the listing enhancement tool let's click on it and let's head over to listing enhancements.
So to give you some information about listing enhancements this tool and what's going on here is customer search amazon they're searching for uh you know specific details about a product that it's listing and amazon's algorithm.
Beginner's Guide About Amazon Listing FBA Business In 2020
If it notices or it believes that there's information that's pertinent to that ace in that listing and it's missing they're going to notify you and it's going to be in this tool so let's take a look at what we have here we have the status which we know now the different conditions the statuses of our listings uh a majority that we're looking at here are inactive.
Next, we have the main image the SKU the product name everything here is hyperlinked right if you click the product name it'll bring you to the amazon page of it if you click the SKU it will bring you to a more detailed tool of view inside of seller central gives you more details about that SKU.
Its performance uh in your catalog if you take a look here it shows the sales in the past seven-thirty ninety days it's frank what category it's in the average selling price average units per order um you know really gives you a better scope of what's happening with this skew and its performance is conversion and now back to the listing enhancements page you'll see that they created and then right here is what we're looking for and that's the enhancement.
So it's telling us to click the edit button here to add a unit count uh let's take a look at this listing to let's see why they're saying that so here you go they notice that it's Mccormick pickling spice one and a half-ounce four-pack the title shows four-pack the bullet points don't say anything about the count and if we go down to its details over here as well it does not say anything about its count so yes we're going to have to edit that and let me show you how you go ahead and do that.
You'll click the edit button wait for the page to load and let's see what they're saying here they're saying some vital info is missing and right here they already have it highlighted in red so you know where to go and edit the information we're going to put a 4 here and then what we're going to click is the count because that's the information that's missing and by updating this if you've ever seen on Amazon where it has the main image and then it has the amazon logo with a number amount basically telling you what the pack size is what count.
Amazon Listing FBA Business
You'll be getting the way that updates automatically is through putting the unit and then account type of count in here so we'll save that and those changes should reflect in the next 15 minutes there you go that simple that listing enhancement is done let's go look at one more get a better understanding of what's happening here.
We have all these are uh unit counts uh over here we have an invalid image if we had this in stock we would go downstairs we would go grab the product uh we would use our amazon photo boot studio check out the link right here to order one of them it's phenomenal obviously now we have a full studio but for years over 10 million dollars in sales in this photo boot studio which works amazing with the amazon seller app is actually made for that I met the gentleman who created the photo booth and the photo studio app.
I met him at an amazon conference in new Orleans a few years ago and that's what really put me on to it and it was a game-changer uh revolutionized how quickly and effortlessly we could take phenomenal pictures that were uh compliant to amazon's rules regulations as far as the size 2000 by 2000 pixel making it easily zoomable.
The white background it if you don't have it and you're doing you know I'd say 100 000 in sales a year you're gonna need to get it um especially if you're doing wholesale you're going to need to get it because you're going to come across listings that have so much opportunity but most of the time it's just a poor created listing that turns out to have low or no conversions and that's why this listing enhancement page is so vital especially for listings that you have active right now right you want to make sure that the customer I'm sure you're aware they can't touch they can't feel the product some of them have never even ordered this product.
So what they're looking at is they're looking at the images the bullet point the descriptions the reviews and making a decision right then and there where they're going to order the product or not we have enhanced some listings that had a terrible rating terrible uh rank rather and uh very low conversion rate and by just changing the bullet points or just changing a couple images on it we turned it into a phenomenal ranked product and we're able to take something that was maybe doing five sales a month all the way up to 150 to 300 sales a month for us.
So this listing enhancement I cannot say enough about this listing enhancement tool and how vital it is so here we have uh it's this one am is on stating it's missing the color let's take a look obviously it's a this is an old Thompson black peppercorn it's not missing color and once again it's amazon's algorithm so they're kind of just scraping through the pages trying to find what they believe is missing information uh in this instance.
It's not but let's take a look at it and let's see why they're saying it's missing a color uh right here the title says it's a black peppercorn so they put picked up the color black so, therefore, they're thinking that when you go to the, uh listing it should show you what color it is and that would be right here uh you can enter it or you can go click edit if you want to go look at it in more detail once again.
We'd go to vital info and you'd work your way down here and it's highlighted in red asking you to color and the color map right so you would put pick black and then type in black save really not needed for this listing but I just kind of wanted to give you guys some further insight what's happening here and you are going to see a lot of incorrect enhancement options that show up um or suggestions recommendations and you'll just kind of want to pass them you obviously don't have to take on every single one but just wanted to show you guys that and of course.
You could have put it in here as well click save and that would have made the change as well 15 minutes to take effect about and that's that they say 15 minutes and if it doesn't take effect then that just means they did not accept uh your request or your suggestion um so if you ever make a change to a listing remember lots of times especially in wholesale there are other sellers on that listing and if amazon deems that your recommendation isn't the right fit for that listing they won't make that change if you feel that it is and it was done in error you can always go ahead create a case provide them all the information and then their uh support team will look further into it you.
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